Ayrton Senna 1984 F1 Full-Size 1:1 Replica Helmet

This fabulous helmet is an exact replica of one Senna would have worn in those races. It is decorated with Senna’s iconic design, with the yellow base color overlaid with green and blue bands, representing the Brazilian national colors, a design he wore throughout his brilliant career. It bears the team’s sponsor’s Segafredo lettering on both sides of the top of the helmet and a Sergio Tacchini lettering and logo decal to its chin. There is a large Marlboro decal to the top front. 

This product also comes with a Free Helmet bag backpack, with a zipped side pocket.

Ready for dispatch in: 2-3 weeks.

✓ Worldwide Tracked Free Shipping.



  • $850.00
  • $950.00

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