Nigel Mansell 1992 F1 World Champion Full-Size 1:1 Replica Helmet

Nigel Mansell used this helmet in his first World Championship season in the Williams FW14b Renault. It was worn for several races including the 1992 Hungarian GP. Hungary was a very significant  race for Nigel, as he finished 2nd place behind Senna but the points from this podium finish clinched the Championship for him.

Mansell raced with a blue helmet with two red and white arrows on each side forming on the front a drawing resembling the Union Flag with the upper angles of the arrows united by a red and white 'U' with the white chin area, when he entered Williams, a blue ring was added on the white part of the helmet. 

This product also comes with a Free Helmet bag backpack, with a zipped side pocket.

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  • $1,000.00

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